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Getting Your HVAC Unit Winter Ready

As our temperatures start to decrease here in central Florida, you are likely beginning to run the heat at your home to stay warm. As unpredictable as our weather can be, it is always a good idea to make sure your HVAC is in optimal working order before the harshest weather arrives. Read on to learn easy ways to set your HVAC unit up for success and ensure it keeps you cozy all season long.

Clean Filters and Ducts

By the time summer ends, your HVAC unit filter is likely clogged with dirt and debris after running all season to keep you cool. The rule of thumb is to change your filter every 60 days, but if you have pets or are prone to allergies, change it once per month. Even better, replace it with an allergen filter to even further purify your home’s circulated air. Similarly, your ducts have likely accumulated mold and dirt, so it is smart to schedule a duct cleaning so dirty ducts do not put unnecessary strain on your HVAC unit.

Test Your System

Turning your HVAC on before you truly need it will help you avoid unpleasant surprises. You do not want to turn it on in the winter only to find that it is malfunctioning or broken completely. Particularly if you notice that your HVAC unit is making strange noises or emitting strange smells, it is best to investigate early so you can avoid the rush of making emergency service calls during the busiest time of the year for HVAC companies.

Use a Programmable Thermostat

Another way to help how hard your HVAC unit has to work to keep your home at your desired temperature is by using a programmable thermostat. You can set the thermostat to a lower temperature during the times you are typically away and program it to raise when you are home. This not only keeps your unit from overworking but it has the added benefit of saving you money on your utility bill.

Comfort Temp Is Here to Help Your HVAC Unit

Following these tips can help you avoid surprises when it comes time to rely on your HVAC unit for winter warmth. And one of the easiest ways to ensure your unit is ready for the cold is to schedule routine service before the winter gets too far underway. This allows you to fix small problems before they become more significant – and more expensive – issues, as well as the chance to replace anything that will hinder your HVAC running at an optimum level when you need it most. Contact us to schedule your HVAC unit’s inspection and maintenance today. With Comfort Temp, you can rest easy that you will have a cozy, comfortable winter season.

Looking for the best heating repair in Gainesville and Jacksonville, Florida? Our team of heating and air experts have you covered.

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