A Guide to Your Ductwork

Every heating and cooling system, whether residential or commercial, has an entire hidden system of air ducts or ductwork. So how exactly does your ductwork function, and why does it matter? We’re here to provide you with a guide to the basics of ducts so you can keep your home’s HVAC system running smoothly.

How Do Ducts Function?

Ducts are the pipes or channels that distribute all of the air in your building. They work in conjunction with other components to form a full ductwork system. Here are the four main categories of parts, fittings, and pipes that make up ductwork:

  • Duct Pipes and Trunks – Typically made from steel, these components are like a highway for your air to travel through.
  • Plenum – The air distribution box where the air gets pushed to and from rooms to the heating and cooling system.
  • Air Handler Unit – Also known as the AHU, these units are attached to the duct system and contain heating and cooling elements.
  • Dampers – On a day-to-day basis, dampers regulate airflow, but in a fire, they can seal off a duct from moving smoke around your home.

Signs Your Ductwork Needs Service

Since ducts are behind your walls, it’s easy to forget they could be a source of air conditioning troubles. Don’t wait until it’s too late — follow this list of problem indicators and possible reasons you’re facing issues.

Common Signs of Ductwork Trouble

  • Lack of airflow from vents
  • High utility bills
  • Hot and cold spots
  • Loud noise
  • Low air quality

Reasons for Ductwork Complications

Air Duct Wear and Tear

Just like the rest of your home, ducts require maintenance to perform their best. Dirt build-up can cause mold or odors to penetrate your home that must be removed through duct cleaning. Old ducts can also corrode, letting moisture escape and causing humidity and leaks.

Incorrect Design and Installation

Ensuring that your ducts are installed by a professional is the only way to know that the right type of ductwork is installed in your home. Something as small as having air vents in the wrong locations can cause your air conditioning to work overtime and run unnecessarily high bills.

Damaged Ductwork

Design is just as crucial as installation. Proper sealing is required for all ducts, or you could face leaks and mold. Ducts need insulation between the pipes and walls to keep the temperature consistent. Without insulation, your air conditioner will work overtime to cool your home. If you think your ductwork is experiencing these problems, like mold, pests, or air loss, connect with our team for an inspection!

Don’t Neglect Your Ductwork

We understand that you run on a schedule of busy days, so you don’t have the time to stress over the health of your ductwork. That’s why Comfort Temp has a trusted team ready to take care of your needs with only one phone call. Let our expert technicians repair and maintain your ductwork the right way so you can enjoy a peaceful home and workplace.

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